What Is In An X-ray Film?
The x-ray film is a photographic plates which converted the visible image after transmitted x-ray from the patient body. The film is manly two parts , one is base and other is emulsion. Mostly the radiographic film has two emulsion so it called double emulsion film. The emulsion is covered by the super coating layer. The super coating layer is made of gelatin. The adhesive layer always present between the emulsion and base. The base and emulsion is always attach by the adhesive layer. The thickness of radiography film is about 0.25 mm.
The x-ray film or radiographic film consists of following layers.
A) Super coating.
B) Emulsion
C) Adhesive layer.
D) Base.

A) Super coating:-The super coating layer is also called protective layer. It is made of gelatin material. It protect the emulsion from scratching, pressure, handling and processing.
B) Emulsion:- The emulsion is important part is the x-ray film. The emulsion is covered by the super coating layer. The emulsion is consists of gelatin and silver halide. The gelatin is transparent of light and it gives support for silver halide by holding them properly. The silver halide is light sensitive material in emulsion. In silver halide, the silver bromide is about 90 to 99% and about 1 to 10% of silver iodide. When the film is exposed with the x-ray. The energy photons interact with the silver bromide and the silver bromide is produce the secondary electrons. The electrons migrate to the sensitive center and get trapped. The silver atoms are attracted to sensitivity centers, where they combine with electron and become metallic silver and the metallic silver atoms give latent images.
C) Adhesive layer:- The adhesive layer present between the emulsion and base of x-ray film. The adhesive layer bind the emulsion and base. It help to maintain proper contact between emulsion and base.
D) Base:-The function of base of the film is to support the emulsion. The base is rigid structure. The base is flexible, fracture resistance and easy to hold. Initially the base is made up of glass and cellulose nitrate. In 1920, the base made up of cellulose triacetate. and polyester are Add in 1960. The film base is always added in dye, so the films looks like blue. This film are called blue sensitive.
What are the types of x-ray film?
Following types of x-ray film are available in medical imaging.
A) Screen film.
B) Direct exposure film.
C) Mammography film.
D) Duplicating film.
E) Substraction film.
F) Dental film.
G) Medical imaging film.
H) Cine film.
I) spot film.
J) Laser film.
A) Screen film:- Screen film is the types of film that used with intensifying screen. The screen film depends on contrast, speed, spectral matching, anticrossover or antihalation dyes and safe light. The screen film hai various of contrast level. The high contrast level have small grains so it form black and white image. low contrast film have large grains size so it form grey image. The screen film have different speed which is depends up on emulsion.
In crossover matching The silver halide crystals have usually fat and three dimensional. Most emulsion contain tabular grain which are flat silver halide crystal so it covering power and significantly lower crossover.
In spectral matching the rare earth screen are used. The rare earth screen emit UV light, blue, green and red light. The film sensitive to blue and violet not for green and red light. The screen is used in dye. If green emitting screen used the film should be sensitive to blue and green light. This is called spectral matching and film is called green sensitive film or orthochromatic film.
The safe light used in darkroom to required certain precautions for film. In safe light a 15 W bulb at 1.5 M height is proper choice. For blue sensitive film the amber light is safe and for green sensitive the red light safe.
B) Direct exposure film:- The direct exposure film consists of high concentration of silver bromide crystal. The direct exposure film is thick . They are mainly used to image thinner body parts like hands, feet, etc.
C) Mammography film:- The mammography film is a single emulsion and single intensifying screen types film. The mammography film systems used green emitting terbium doped Gadolinium Oxysulfide scree with green sensitive film.
D) Dental film:- It is also called non screen film. The dental film wrapped in moisture and light proof wrappers. The dental film has two size one is intraoral exposure and other is panoramic exposure. The intraoral film size is 1 – 1/4 to 1 – 5/8 inches. It is double emulsion film.
The panoramic films are Single emulsion film size is 5 × 12 inches.
E) Medical imaging film:- The medical imaging film are used in CT, MRI Usg, DR system and PET.
F) Duplicating film:- It is single intensifying screen film and it exposed to UV light.
G) Substraction film:- It is single emulsion film. It is basically used in Angiography. It is two types one is designed to proper substraction of mask image and other is super imposed image of the original radiographer and substraction mask.
H) Cine film:- The cine film is special examination film which is used in cardiac Catheterization laboratory. The film is in Two size 16 mm and 35 mm. It is also used in gastrointestinal tract study in Fluoroscopy.
I) Spot film:- The spot film is a single frame camera, the size is 70 mm and 100 mm film.this film is longer then cine film.
J) Laser film:- The laser film used in CT and MRI. It is also used in CR and DR system. The laser beam write the image on the film in faster fashion. This film is sensitive to red light which is emitted by the laser laser printer are light sensitive so it kept dark .
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