What is x-ray cassette ?
A cassette is a rectangle metal container Whis is help to transport the exposure and non exposure film in darkroom. The cassette is light proof rigid Device. The cassette always hinged one side and opened other side. The side where is the latches is back side and other side facing the patient is called front side. The front side is made of plastic or carbon fiber, these have low atomic number. The back side is made of metal or lead sheet. The back of lead sheet protect from the scattered radiation. The cassette back side, there is window to provide the patient ID. The cassette are used in conventional screen film and Computed radiography (CR) system. The cassettes are provided a pairs of intensifying screen and the x-ray film keep between the pairs of intensifying like sandwich. The cassettes are available in different size like 14×17, 15×12, 14×14, 12×12, 12×10, 10×8, 12×6.