First Aid In Case Of Electrical Shock In X-ray Department.
1) Switch OFF the Power Supply. If this is not possible, protect your self with dry insulating material and pull the victim clear off the conductor. Do not touch the victim with your bare hands until he / she is clear off the conductor.
2) Place the victim in supine position.
3) Keep the air passage clear by turning the head to one side, opening the patient’s mouth and cleaning it of water, saline, mucus or blood, a lots of which might have accumulated in the back of the throat.
4) If the jaw is rigid, try to force the mouth open by pressure on the gum behind the last molar tooth of the lower jaw. When the upper air passage is cleaned till the head backward and force the jaw forward from the angles of jaw in front of the ears. This would prevent mechanical obstruction to the upper air passage.
5) Hold the chin up and forward with one and pinch the tonsil of the victim with other.
6) Take a very deep breath and apply your mouth to that of victim and blow into his mouth until the chest of victim moves up indicating filling of lungs.
7) When the chest has moved up, withdraw your mouth and allow the chest to sink back.
8) Have someone else sent for a doctor.
9) Keep patient warm and loosen his / her clothing.
10) Do not give liquids until the patient is conscious.