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101 Best Radiology MCQs Part 4.

Looking for a comprehensive resource for 101 Best Radiology MCQs Part 4. Our website has got you covered. With a vast database of multiple-choice questions covering various topics in radiology, you can test and enhance your knowledge in this specialized field. Our user-friendly platform ensures easy navigation and an enjoyable learning experience. Visit our website now to start exploring.

1. Investigation of choice for Multiple sclerosis
a) MRI

b) CT Scan

c) X-ray


Ans: A

2. Primary radiation barrier materials used include
A. Concrete
B. Lead
C. Steel
D. Any of the above

Answer: D

3. Personal monitoring devices include all EXCEPT
A. Geiger Muller counter
B. Film badges
C. TLD badges
D. Pocket dosimeters

Answer: A

4. X-ray radiation monitoring instruments include all EXCEPT
A. Ionization chamber
B. Geiger Counter
C. Neutron rem counter
D. Photographic film

Answer: C

5. Therapeutic range of electrons is given by depth of depth dose.

A. 70%
B. 90%
C. 80%
D. 85%

Answer: B

6. Field shaping is done by all EXCEPT

A. Custom blocking
B. Wedge filters
C. Independent jaws
D. Multi leaf collimators

Answer: B

7. In linear accelerator, photon beam passes from the source till the exit from gantry head in the order

A. Primary collimator → ion chamber → filter → MLC

B. Primary collimator → filter → ion chamber → MLC

C. Primary collimator → MLC → filter → ion chamber

D. Filter → primary collimator → MLC → ion chamber

Answer: B

8. Gating is a newer technique used in the treatment of

A. Ca rectum
B. Ca tongue
C. Ca lung
D. Ca ovary

Answer: C

9. Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) in radiotherapy is used for

A. Treatment planning
B. Treatment verification
C. CT simulation
D. Conversional simulation

Answer: B

10. All head and neck malignancies have the same nodal staging in TNM system except in cancer.

A. Buccal mucosa
B. Oropharynx
C. Tongue
D. Nasopharynx

Answer: D

11. Radiation reactions in head and neck radiation include all EXCEPT

A. Mucositis
B. Skin pigmentation
C. Bleeding per vaginum
D. Dry mouth

Answer: C

12. Total external beam radiation dose given in the treatment of cancer cervix stage III is

A. 25 Gy
B. 35 Gy
C. 45 Gy
D. 65 Gy

Answer: C

13. Which is the oncologic emergency treated with radiation ?

A. Tumour lysis syndrome
B. Superior venacaval obstruction
C. Polymyositis
D. None of the above

Answer: B

14. Post mastectomy radiation is given by

A. 4 field box technique
B. Tangential fields
C. Lateral parallel pair
D. None of the above

Answer: B

15. Radiation treatment is given for the following non-malignant brain condition

A. Astrocytoma
B. Encephalitis
C. Glioblastoma
D. Craniopharyngioma

Answer: D

16. The following radiation fields are used in the treatment of lymphoma EXCEPT

A. Mantle field
B. Inverted Y field
C. Dog leg field
D. Pencil beam field

Answer: D

17. Craniospinal irradiation is primarily used in the treatment of

A. Craniopharyngioma
B. Vertebral metastasis
C. Medulloblastoma
D. Multiple myeloma

Answer: C

18. Scalp hair loss occurs in the following conditions EXCEPT

A. Cranial irradiation
B. Chemotherapy
C. Both 1 & 2
D. Pelvic irradiation

Answer: D

19. Multiple punched-out lesions in skull X-ray is characteristically seen in

A. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

B. Hodgkin’s disease

C. Soft tissue sarcoma

D. Multiple Myeloma

Answer: D

20. The phenomenon in which light continues to emit for sometime even after the radiation exposure has ended is called

A. Fluorescence
B. Quantum mottle
C. Phosphorescence
D. None

Answer: C

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21. Radioactivity was first described by

A. Roentgen
B. Becquerel
C. Joseph Lister
D. Khorana

Answer: B

22. Lymphatic drainage of anal canal is to

A. Inguinal lymph nodes
B. External iliac lymph nodes
C. Internal iliac lymph nodes
D. Para aortic lymph nodes

Answer: A

23. What is the main mode of heat transfer in rotating anode X-ray tube ?

A. Conduction
B. Convention
C. Radiation
D. All the above

Answer: C

24. The plane that divides the body into right and left halves

A. Median sagittal plane
B. Coronal plane
C. Axial plane
D. Mid-axillary plane

Answer: A

25. Half-life of Cobalt-60 is

A. 6.26 years
B. 5.67 years
C. 5.26 years
D. 6.67 years

Answer: C

26. Most common histopathology in head and neck carcinoma is

A. Squamous cell carcinoma
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Lymphoma
D. Melanoma

Answer: A

27. Lymphatics from tonsil drain into

A. Mediastinal lymph nodes
B. Jugulodigastric lymph nodes
C. Submental lymph nodes
D. Lower deep cervical lymph nodes

Answer: B

28. The original phosphor used in X-ray intensifying screen is

A. `CuWO_(4)`
B. ` CaSO_(4)`
C. CsI“
D. `TiO_(2)`

29. Most common histopathology of carcinoma breast is

A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Infiltrating duct carcinoma
C. Lobular carcinoma
D. Squamous cell carcinoma

Answer: B

30. In which projection, is the central ray incident on the position aspect and emerges from the anterior aspect of the body ?

A. Posteroanterior projection
B. Anteroposterior projection
C. Lateral projection
D. Oblique projection

Answer: A

31. Orthopantomogram is taken to rule out lesion in

A. Mandible
B. Maxilla
C. Facial bone
D. Skull

Answer: A

32. Length or esophagus is

A. 10 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 25 cm
D. 40 cm

Answer: C

33. The process by which electrons are emitted from a X-ray cathode filament

A. Ionization
B. Photoconduction
C. Thermo luminescence
D. Thermionic emission

Answer: D

34. Superficial X-ray therapy include X-rays of potentials ranging from

A. 5 to 50 kilovolt
B. 50 to 150 kilovolt
C. 100 to 150 kilovolt
D. 150 to 300 kilovolt

Answer: B


35. PET scan is

A. Positive Emission Tomography
B. Positron Emission Tomography
C. Pulsatile Emission Tomography
D. None of the above

Answer: B

36. The bed of stomach is NOT formed by normally.

A. Left Kidney
B. Left suprarenal gland
C. Splenic vein
D. Tail of pancreas

Answer: A

37. Unity film speed is

A. `Gy^(-1)`
B. `R^(-1)`
C. `mS^(-1)`
D. `S^(-1)`

Answer: B

38. Maximum dose region in Cobalt-60 teletherapy lies at cm from the surface.

A. 0.1 cm
B. 1 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 0.5 cm

Answer: D

39. The ability to demonstrate closely placed structures in the subject as separate entities in the image is

A. Resolution
B. Brightness
C. Contrast
D. None

Answer: A

40. In Cobalt-60 machine, which ray is used for external beam radiotherapy ?

A. Alpha ray
B. Beta ray
C. Gamma ray
D. Protons

Answer: C


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41. Lymphatics of breast drain into

A. Posterior intercostal lymph node
B. Axillary lymph node
C. Internal mammary lymph node
D. All of the above

Answer: D

42. Contrast is more with screen film combination than direct X-ray exposure because

A. X-ray to light conversion efficiency is more
B. X-ray absorption efficiency is more
C. Screen is more sensitive to high energy radiation
D. Screen is more sensitive to low energy radiation

Answer: C

43. Most common histopathology in cancer cervix is

A. Squamous cell carcinoma

B. Adenocarcinoma

C. Lymphoma

D. Melanoma

Answer: A

44. Geometric unsharpness can be reduced by

A. Reducing focal spot size

B. Increasing object-image distance

C. Decreasing focus-image distance

D. Using tube with large focal spot size

Answer: A

45. IMRT refers to

A. Intensive Modulated Radiotherapy
B. Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
C. Image Modulated Radiotherapy
D. None of the above

Answer: B

46. Most vascular part of bone is

A. Epiphysis
B. Metaphysis
C. Diaphysis
D. Epiphyseal cartilage

Answer: B

47. `(cd//m2)/(mR//sec)` is

A. Brightness gain
B. Minification gain
C. Conversion factor
D. Flux gain

Answer: C

48. Which interaction of X-rays is the basis of radiographic contrast between bone and soft tissues ?

A. Photoelectric effect
B. Contrast scattering
C. Compton scattering
D. Pair production

Answer: A

49. The name of invisible image formed as a result of exposure to radiation which later becomes visible during photographic development

A. Latent image
B. Photographic image
C. Fog
D. Fixing

Answer: A

50. In conventional radiation therapy, daily fraction dose given will be

A. 1 to 1.5 Gy
B. 1.8 to 2 Gy
C. 2 to 2.8 Gy
D. None of the above

Answer: B

51. is the beam modifying device used for tilt of isodose curves from normal position.

A. Wedge
B. Diaphragm
C. Collimator
D. Cerrobend blocks

Answer: A

52. Lymphatics from uterus drain to all except

A. External iliac lymph nodes
B. Internal iliac lymph nodes
C. Inguinal lymph nodes
D. Mesenteric lymph nodes

Answer: D

53. Inherent filtration of X-ray tube is equivalent to

A. <0.5 mm Al
B. 0.5-1 mm Al
C. 1.5 mm Al
D. 2.5 mm Al

Answer: B

54. is the cheapest and most commonly used imaging modality in the initial staging of Hodgkin’s disease.

A. CT scan
B. MRI scan
C. Ultrasonogram
D. PET scan

Answer: A

55. Which of the following layers of the film contain silver halide crystals ?

A. Super coat

B. Base

C. Adhesive layer

D. Emulsion

Answer: D

56. Ammonium Triphosphate is used as

A. Developing agent
B. Buffer
C. Hardener
D. Fixing agent

57. is a tissue equivalent material placed close to skin surface.

A. Orfit shell
B. Bolus
C. Vaclock
D. Cone

Answer: B

58. Cancer cervix staging following is

A. TNM staging
B. GTNM staging
C. FIGO staging
D. None of the above

Answer: C

59. The concentration of detectable hydrogen nuclei in a biological tissue is termed as

A. Spin density
B. Electron density

C. Spin echo
D. Gyromagnetic ratio

Answer: A

60. Safe light used in dark room is related to film sensiti ve region of visible light as

A. Low intensity
B. Low volt
C. Low frequency
D. Low wavelength

Answer: C

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61. The ability of X-ray film or film-screen combination system to define an edge is

A. Resolution
B. Sharpness
C. Speed
D. Radiographic mottle

Answer: B

62. Commonest site from which nasopharyngeal carcinoma arises is

A. Torus tubaris
B. Fossa of Rossenmuller
C. Posterior pharyngeal wall
D. Basisphenoid

Answer: B

63. Radiation source used in HDR brachytherapy

A. `226_(Ra)`
B. `60_(Co)`
C. `137_(Cs)`
D. `199_(Ir)`

Answer: D

64. The process by which exposed silver halide crystals are converted to metallic silver is called

A. Development
B. Fixing
C. Rinsing
D. Drying

Answer: A

65. The speed of intensifying screen increases with all the following except

A. Large crystal size
B. Thick phosphor layer
C. Reflective layer
D. Absorptive layer

Answer: D

66. Film fog is caused by

A. Increased development of exposed silver halide crystals
B. Reduced development of exposed silver halide crystals
C. Development of unexposed silver halide crystals
D. Removal of unexposed silver halide crystals

Answer: C

67. Translate-rotate tube technology with multiple detectors is used in

A. Fourth generation CT scan
B. Third generation CT scan
C. First generation CT scan
D. Second generation CT scan

Answer: D

68. Typical effective dose with a chest X-ray postero-anterior view is

A. 0.02 millisievert
B. 2 millisievert
C. 10 millisievert
D. 100 millisievert

Answer: A

69. Uterus and fallopian tubes are assessed by

A. Micturating cystourethrography
B. Intravenous urethrography
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Myelography

Answer: C

70. Sialogram is used to study

A. Salivary glands
B. Spinal cord
C. Small intestine
D. Blood vessel

Answer: A

71. Which of the following is an ionic contrast medium ?

A. Iopamidol
B. Iohexol
C. Iopromide
D. Ioxaglate

Answer: D

72. Which is NOT true regarding mammography ?

A. The generator must be able to maintain a very accurate Kvp in the range of 25-35 Kvp
B. The X-ray tube has certain special design features, including a beryllium window and a molybdenum target
C. Focal spot is very large
D. The tube filter is 0.03 mm of molybdenum or 0.5 aluminium equivalent to absorb X-rays below the optimum Kvp range

Answer: C

73. Stenver’s view is used to assess

A. Sella
B. Mandible
C. Greater tuberosity of humerus
D. Petrous temporal bone

Answer: D

74. Xiphisternal joint is at the level of

A. 6(th)` thoracic vertebra
B.`9(th)` thoracic vertebra
C. 1(st)` lumbar vertebra
D. 3(rd)` lumbar vertebra

Answer: B

75. Lordotic view is used to demonstrate

A. Exaggerated lumbar lordosis
B. Para nasal sinuses
C. Lung apices
D. Middle lobe collapse

Answer: D

76. In a postero-anterior view (PA view) of chest

A. Cardiac shadow is magnified
B. Scapula is projected over upper lobes
C. Appears more diffusely opaque if overpenetrated
D. Is adequate if 8-10 posterior ribs are seen above diaphragm

Answer: D

77. The activator commonly used with rare earth phosphor gadolinium oxysulphide is

A. Terbium
B. Lanthanum
C. Niobium
D. Thulium

Answer: A

78. Enteroclysis is used in the evaluation of

A. Hepatobiliary system
B. Fallopian tubes
C. Small bowel
D. Thecal sac

Answer: C

79. SI unit of dose equivalent is

A. Roentgens
B. Gray
C. Rad
D. Sievert

Answer: D

80. Which of the following is NOT a deterministic effect of radiation ?

A. Skin erythema
B. Sterility
C. Carcinogenesis
D. Fetal abnormality

Answer: C


81) Gamma rays are harmful to the tissues because of their

A. Copulation Acton

B. Linear acceleration

C. Ionization action

D. Magnetization

Ans:- C

82) Highest magnetic field strength MRI available for diagnostic purpose is

A. 1 T

B. 1.5 T

C. 3 T

D. 7 T

Ans:- C

83) The ions which scatter x-ray most ?

A. Hydrogen

B. Lithium

C. Carbon

D. Lead


84) Which is the best imaging modality to detect pancreatic duct injury




D. Radiography

Ans:- C

85) Primary radiation barrier materials used include

A. Concrete
B. Lead
C. Steel
D. Any of the above

Ans:- D

86) Personal monitoring devices include all EXCEPT

A. Geiger Muller counter
B. Film badges
C. TLD badges
D. Pocket dosimeters

Ans:- A

87) X-ray radiation monitoring instruments include all EXCEPT

A. Ionization chamber

B. Geiger Counter

C. Neutron rem counter

D. Photographic film

Ans:- C

87) Therapeutic range of electrons is given by depth of depth dose.

A. 70%
B. 90%
C. 80%
D. 85%

Ans:- B

88) Field shaping is done by all EXCEPT

A. Custom blocking
B. Wedge filters
C. Independent jaws
D. Multi leaf collimators

Ans:- B

89) In linear accelerator, photon beam passes from the source till the exit from gantry head in the order

A. Primary collimator → ion chamber → filter → MLC
B. Primary collimator → filter → ion chamber → MLC
C. Primary collimator → MLC → filter → ion chamber
D. Filter → primary collimator → MLC → ion chamber

Ans:- B

90) Gating is a newer technique used in the treatment of

A. Ca rectum
B. Ca tongue
C. Ca lung
D. Ca ovary

Ans:- C

91) Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) in radiotherapy is used for

A. Treatment planning
B. Treatment verification
C. CT simulation
D. Conversional simulation

Ans:- B

92) All head and neck malignancies have the same nodal staging in TNM system except in cancer.

A. Buccal mucosa
B. Oropharynx
C. Tongue
D. Nasopharynx

Ans:- D

93) Radiation reactions in head and neck radiation include all EXCEPT

A. Mucositis
B. Skin pigmentation
C. Bleeding per vaginum
D. Dry mouth

Ans:- C

94) Total external beam radiation dose given in the treatment of cancer cervix stage III is

A. 25 Gy
B. 35 Gy
C. 45 Gy
D. 65 Gy

Ans:- C

95) Which is the oncologic emergency treated with radiation ?

A. Tumor lysis syndrome
B. Superior venacaval obstruction
C. Polymyositis
D. None of the above



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